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Friday, January 6, 2012

A (not so) normal chicken sandwich

Normally this is not something that I would post. It is just a chicken sandwich with bacon, cheese. onion, lettuce and mayo on a french onion roll. NO BIG DEAL!!! Well, the reason that I am posting this is not because of the sandwich. It is how I cooked the chicken(and it was kinda a fluke)!
It was a little chilly out tonight and I did not really feel like lighting the grill for just two chicken breasts. So, I marinated my chicken in some bbq sauce(y'all from Texas, I used Rudy's), and some Franks red hot sauce. Then added my fav. seasonings. Here is where my (as oprah would say) ahhh haaa moment came in. I have a panini press. Really it is a cast iron skillet that can be used as a panini press or an indoor grill. when you cook on this panini press it can get very hard to clean due to the grooves. So.. it needs to be well oiled. Well..................... I used GRAPE SEED OIL!!!!!!!!!!!!! Let me tell you something..... for any type of white meat i.e fish, turkey, chicken, duck... use grape seed oil when pan searing!!! It is healthy and is sooooo very flavorful!!!!!!!!!!! I hope you enjoy my new lil' secret! Happy eating y'all!

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