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Friday, January 6, 2012

have you ever heard of a grapple??????

Well, If you have not ever heard of a grapple, you are missing out on something SPACTACULAR!!! I would have taken a picture of my box(they come in a plastic box of 4), but I have already ate 2. Not for a good picture. I have been eating grapples for a number of years but it seems that a lot of ppl. still have never heard of it. Let me start by saying.. I am not a rep. for grapple, I do not get paid from grapple. I am just a big fan! Grapple is an apple that is infused with grape flavor. It is like eating a grape and an apple at the same time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How amazing is that????!!!! Go check out their web-site.And if you love grapes, and you love apples.... FIND GRAPPLES!!! http://grapplefruits.com/

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