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Thursday, December 1, 2011

Shrimp Brueshetta

This is somewhat of a rant and def. a recipe to revamp what is in a local restaurant that is near by you. So, last night before going to Cirque du Soilel my husband and I went to Red Lobster. I have been there MAYBE 4 times in my whole life. I know that they have a great lobster pizza appetizer and I just knew that I could get a great salad.Nope all they had was caesar??? It's a seafood joint!!!! Really?  Anyway, I ended up just getting another app. (cuz I wanted to eat light), so I got the shrimp brueshetta. People.... I will give you a better recipe right now....

 For the bread, you can either buy it already cut if you want. But, what I do is, go to Wal-Mart in the morning and somewhere in the store they have a cart of bakery items that need to sell quick so they are about 50% off. Day old bread is great for this recipe anyway! Get whatever kind looks the best. you will cut it on the bias (fancy for diagonal hehe) in about 1/2" slices and place on a foil lined, cookie sheet. If you have a cooling rack, place the cooling rack on the cookie sheet and place the bread on it b/c it will get the bread even crispier! take some melted butter(I like to use the spray kind..It saves time) and brush on bread and stick it in the oven on350 until crisp. About 5 min. Now for the topping... take some deveined frozen shrimp(what ever size you like, and if it is in season or your just by the beach.. get fresh) and throw in a skillet with some butter and minced garlic. If I use frozen, I will usually let thaw and pat dry, but don't get it wrong..... you can throw it in the skillet pretty frozen if you are in a hurry or just forgot. While that is sautéing, we are going to make a pico de gallo(and trust me, this will put Red Lobsters to shame). This is my mango, Habanero Pico de gallo(it sounds hot, but it is not like you think). 1 Tomatillo (they are little green tomatoes), 1 Mango, 2-3 jalapenos(if you want to you can de-seed them for even less heat),1-2 Habanero peppers(depending on your spice level), 5-6 Roma tomatoes, the juice of 2-3 limes(depending on size), 1/2 red onion, 1/3 of a sweet pepper i.e yellow, red or orange, 1/2 bunch of cilantro, 4 mint leaves 1 1/2 tablespoon of sugar and 1/2- 1 teaspoon of salt(depending on your taste) Dice all of these ingredients and mix in the lime juice. Take that shrimp, place it on the bread and top with the Pico de gallo and waaaalllllaaaa... U could take it a step further and place some cheese on that bread b4 it goes in the oven..mmmmmmmmmm!

And that my friends... I would put up against Red Lobster in a heart beat!!!!!!! This is like comparing McDonald's to Red Robin(only national burger joint that I could think of lol). You tell me which one I am!!! LOL, Happy eating!


  1. I wish you put some pictures! I love the recipe. Sounds very doable :D Do drop by my space, I did my first ever dessert post!

  2. I normally do post pix When Harry Met Celery. But since I just ate it at Red Lobster the night b4, i did not want it again so soon. But, I will make it next week sometime. So I will take a pic. and repost the recipe! I do follow you but, I have not seen your new recipe as of yet. So, I'm on my way!
