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Sunday, April 1, 2012

Chicken tacos/burritos

I took 2 chicken breasts, cut them into chunks and seasoned with my favorite seasonings. You can use whatever seasonings you like. I like to use a season all salt,garlic powder, CUMIN(cumin is a MUST in any tex mex or Mexican dish), and pepper.
I let that "marinate" for about 30 min.

Then take your chicken and place in a hot skillet. I did not use oil, rather just some cooking spray. This will aid in keeping the calories down. Cook until browned (about 10 min. on med.-high heat).

While the chicken was browning I took a can of beans, placed in a pot with about a quarter cup of diced onions, slice fresh jalapenos and chopped cilantro.

Then once that was warmed up(about 5 min. on med. heat) I started to put together the tacos.
I made one like taco bell with the hard shell and the soft. I took 1 flour tortilla and placed some melted Velveeta(processed cheese). This will act as the "glue" so to speak. Then I filled with chicken, the bean mixture, salsa and some spinach leaves(instead of lettuce).

For the burrito, I repeated the process minus the hard shell and added rice.

This time I chose not to use "Sour cream". But, a lighter version is Greek yogurt! I mix in a can of green chili's and it is delicious on any dish!

And waalllaaahhh. Happy eating y'all!

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