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Monday, January 16, 2012

My Favorite Breakfast!

I got this idea from Rachel Ray. I tried my own version after Thanksgiving dinner and I just can't get enough of it!!!!!
I browned some breakfast sausage(I used sage this time), onions, celery and jalapenos(optional). you can also add some raisins or apple for a bit of sweetness with the savory. Then I took a small bag of pepperidge farms stuffing and mixed everything with about 3/4 can of chicken broth. I then placed as much of the stuffing that I could in my heated waffle iron. While the stuffing was becoming into a waffle, I took a bag of brown gravy mixture(made per directions. You just add water), and cooked on the stove. In a separate pan I cooked 1 egg over easy. Once the "waffle" was done,I topped with gravy, then the egg, and then a little more gravy!
And waaallllaaaaahhhh!!!!! what a great way to start the day!!! Happy eating y'all!

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