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Thursday, January 19, 2012

Is it mashed potatoes or Cauliflower?

It is cauliflower! And, in my opinion... sooooo delicious!

I steamed 1 head of cauliflower(sliced into florets). Placed in the food processor(you could use a blender), with 1/2 cup of light ranch dressing, 1 tblsp. of I can't believe it's not butter and 1 tablespoon of milk. Once it was at a consistency of mashed potatoes I placed in a 3x3 dish, sprinkled with panko bread crumbs, salt and a little Parmesan cheese and placed in the oven on LO Broil for about 15 min. or until browned.
Wwwwaaaaallllllaaahhh! Happy eating y'all!

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