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Friday, January 13, 2012

A healthier version of a calzone that can feed the whole family.

I absolutly love this dish! Not only does it fill you up... you really feel like your induldging with half the guilt!
I took a pkg. of 97% lean ground beef(you could use ground turkey as well) and mixed in a pkg. of seasoning(just to make it quick.. you can add whatever seasoning that you desire)
After mixing the meat and seasoning, I cut up 1 pkg. of fresh mushrooms and diced 1 red onion. i combined all of the ingredients in a large skillet and cooked on med. heat until the meat was browned. I then took one (single serving) tub of plain greek yogart(instead of sour cream), added oregano, minced garlic and some red pepper flakes(optional). Once I mixed all of that in a bowl, I took a can of prepared pizza dough(pillsbury) and rolled it out on parchment paper that I placed on a baking sheet. Spread the greek yogart mixture over the crust leaving about 2 inches on all sides. Then spoon the beef mixture over the top. add whatever cheese that you desire. This time I used shredded Gouda, but sometimes I just add a little bit of feta or blue cheese. Like I said, whatever cheese tickles your fancy that night. Then, fold up the edges of the crust over the filling. take the white of one egg and mix in a bowl and then place the wash over the top of the dough(this will give the dough a beautiful golden color), sprinkle with some Parmesan cheese and bake in a 425 degree oven for 15-18 min. or until the crust is golden. slide onto a wire rack when done and let cool for 5 min. before slicing. And waaallllahhhhh! happy eating y'all!
FYI... One serving is less than 300 calories!!!!!! Take that Pizza hut!!!!!!! lol!

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