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Sunday, March 11, 2012

BBQ Tips!

I LOVE to BBQ! Being from Texas, I guess that it is just in my blood! I prefer a charcoal grill, but that is a personal choice.

I am going to do something different in this entry! Instead of giving you my recipe on how I made my food. I am going to give you some tips on BBQ'ing.

Lets start with temperature;
If you do not own a meat thermometer, I advise getting one. They cost about 7.00 and you can find them in any grocery store.
For chicken: 165 degrees will give you an amazingly juicy chicken.

Steak: Since you should always let your meat rest for at least 15 min. then you need to take your steak off of the grill 5 degrees less than what you desire(because the steak will continue to cook while it is resting).
Rare - 120 degrees F
Medium Rare - 125 degrees F
Medium - 130 degrees F

As spring starts to show herself, I will continue to give great grilling tips! Out of all of my recipes..... grilling is my favorite method of all!

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